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How HR professionals can provide support for employees handling the death of a spouse
Employers can’t take on the emotional burden of an employee’s spouse passing away. But they can support them with their administrative to-do list. Here’s

8 signs it’s time to revamp your employee benefits [+ weigh-in from experts]
Tired of hearing about the Great Resignation? While it quickly became a buzzword and the talk of the new year, many people don’t realize

5 tips to prepare for tax season, according to Pasito’s CPA [+ free tax document checklist]
We’re mere weeks away from the tax filing deadline. Get five tactical, high-level tips to help you prepare your return this year.

How HR professionals can support employees handling the death of a parent
Parting with a parent is never easy, especially when you’re expected to handle their last finances on top of mourning, funeral arrangements, and finding

How HR professionals can support employees having children
Children. One word evokes so many emotions. For parents, children are the start of a new chapter in their lives. A time to reorganize

How to provide a better employee benefits experience [according to experts from HR Technology Virtual Conference 2022]
At any given moment, your employees can walk out and go get paid more elsewhere. Stings a bit, right? But this is our current

Increase ROI on pre-tax benefits by showing employees their personalized value
Show employees the personalized value of their pre-tax benefits to increase ROI and improve the overall employee experience. Learn more here!

Maternity leave benefits: Beyond FMLA, how to get paid
Maternity leave benefits vary widely across the country.. Learn about the different types of maternity leave and the potential changes that are happening.

Cost of C-section: How much will it cost?
In this article we offer insight into the cost of a C-section, provide planning tips if you have a scheduled C-section, and what that